Social Media Strategies You Can Use to Boost Your SEO

Blog, SEO, Social Media

Digital Marketing is an artwork which involves incorporating various methods to promote brands. One of the most important elements are social media marketing and search engine optimization. Though they are two different concepts they are highly interlinked. Both the channels are highly interlinked in a customer purchase journey. Why is social media Critical for SEO? Though social media posts might not impact the websites performance it does impact the ranking in the search engine. The various social signals that could help rank them comprise of comments, signs, views, likes, posts, reposts, links, and backlinks. Likes Google gives leverage to links that people share on public pages as it shows that the content is relevant and interesting. Moreover, it also helps invite more viewers to drop by on their most active platforms Reposts Search engines like google give an important sign to repost as it is an efficient promotion strategy. Hence the call of share and save against posts on the content posted. Hence, it is quite clear it helps in building social media backlinks by the user- generated content or the own posts. Doing your own posts also regularly helps the consumers brand aware of company. Moreover, replying to the comments and questions brings in the advantage of social media presence and amazing positive interaction experience for the customers. Using social media to Boost SEO To leverage SEO performance, finding the sweet spot where content marketing, SEO, and social media round off together is an important element. Using the strategies mentioned below social media can be used to increase the website visit and traffic and optimize SEO. Increase Online Presence, Brand Awareness and Positive Mentions “Eye catching” is the word when someone wants to remember your brand. Try setting yourself apart from the competitors and do posts and targeting that is memorable. Increase your presence online. Try having more posts, blogs, and contents around your social media space. Keep it all branded without background, media content, cover pictures. For the remembrance and memory apply uniformity around the posts, the descriptions and the branding style, material. Brands which have strong social media presence and respond highly to consumers generate a positive experience for consumers and eventually an increase in overall satisfaction.Google also pays to the context of engagement online as a brand should be ranked for a positive experience and not a bad one. Focus on what you are getting ranked for and not only the high-ranking in-search engine. Seek to tailor the message as per the platform you are using for maximum success based on the audience you are engaging. Create Link Opportunities from social media  It is one of the most difficult one to achieve as it is not the implementation that is hard but a third party/person taking an action. It solely depends on a recipient’s perspective of whether they want to reference or not. It’s more of a thing where in you relying on social media to promote the content of yours and make people aware of it. It could also involve using user-generated citations tagging the brand to blog posts using your business website URL as a reference to buy the product or the service. A link on Facebook cannot be considered as a backlink but if you follow the link through it takes you to the original post and hence the link on social media led to brand awareness to drive traffic on the website. Build Partnerships Though sharing posts on the social media is an important element but using to build partnerships with influencer and bloggers. As the authentic use of social media has been to build relationships among people hence it is very difficult to get organic audience from social media. There are few kinds of partnerships you can be engaging with: Brand Advocates: The active social media fans who are loyal to the brand and would promote you for free.o Influencers: Organic and paid influencers both play a role while paid influencers can help create more awareness if they have high number of influencers, while the organic influencers are those who have a genuine interest and expertise to specific areas. So, any rankings, endorsements from either of those would add to the brand value. Strategic partners: The influencers who are expertise in your niche and are willing to co-partner to create content and tap into the audience with marketing opportunities. Establish Authority  The goal of any social media marketing, affiliate or content marketing is to bring it back to the primary source that is invite traffic to the website or optimize SEO. It is to establish that even though Facebook, Twitter isn’t a part of Google’s Search Engine formula it helps you win trust, create awareness which eventually leads to winning audience and reaching wider audience. Other than the social media also make sure to invest in the domain and proper layout of the website as it can help google keep you in site and appear in search. Make sure to use google analytics to track other resources and to study and to control the time, day of posts to maximise the impact. Boost content Lifespan and Engagement Keep sure the content is engaging as if that’s not the case people are not going to be interested. As the content needs to serve the audience needs so that they get engaged with it and hence follow it. But also remember no matter how good and amazing the content if there are no visits as people are not finding it, it’s not serving the purpose. So, share your content on social media such that people spot your brand and hence visit your website. Tips to planning the content are Connect by sharing stories, be entertaining, spot on to educate with a fun facts, Help present solutions from real scenarios. Hence, applying the above stated strategies could help rank your website and optimise your SEO by use of social media platform. Try using hashtags and keywords in the captions, descriptions as social media page may get

Why Should You Advertise on Social Media?

Blog, Digital Marketing, Social Media

Do you run a business and are struggling to see the point of social media? Is  the hashtagging, emojis and memes flying right past your head? Don’t worry, we are here to explain the importance of advertising on social media platforms and why you should invest in social media advertising RIGHT NOW!  It’s no secret that advertising on social media can be very beneficial for businesses, it can really grow your audience and a good platform to promote the products and services you provide. However, there are still a lot of businesses out there that aren’t grasping onto this fantastic and low-cost advertising platform. Let us explain why you should ABSOLUTELY get on top of social media ASAP! Build Audience Through social media, you are reaching audiences that your website and other forms of marketing can’t reach. Having your business on social media platforms ensures your business is being seen and is portrayed as active and engaging to your audience. It helps you build authority to your brand and brand recognition and allows potential customers to recall your brand easier. This helps you build a following and get your business out there! Track Return On Investment Social Media advertising has a really great system at tracking ROI, it lets you directly track your marketing campaigns and their success. This is great because it can track how your ad is performing and what ads are underperforming, to prioritize, well performing ads to bring better results. It can be seriously difficult to track more traditional forms of marketing and you can spend thousands on advertising that just isn’t working. With social media, you are tracking the outcome 24/7 and always have access to your ROI figures.  Targeted Advertising The really great thing about social media advertising is the targeted and specific advertising that can bring in the right traffic to boost that conversion rate. By being able to target your specific audience, whether it be location based or another specific demographic, Social platforms have enough information to source who your target audience is and direct your campaigns there. This ideal hyper-targeting specific users technique, makes sure that your business is reaching the right people to promote growth and sales/leads. Drive Traffic to your website Social media can provide links directly to your website and drive traffic to “The Hub” of your business. Having more links to your site provides your audience with more access points to find and explore your business, social media provides your business with a very simple and low cost but effective way to increase traffic to your website. This only provides very beneficial for the business. Do not miss the opportunity to provide more pathways and access points to your website.  Competitors Remember every minute you aren’t advertising on social media, your competitors are gaining your customers, your audience and your sales/leads. Every industry is a competitive industry and staying ahead of your competitors can be a challenge, ESPECIALLY if you aren’t advertising on social media platforms. Better Insight to your customers Social Media is fantastic for giving you a platform to really form a connection with your customers and have a better insight into who they really are. Social Media helps you stay engaged with your audience and gives your business a better understanding of who your target audience is. It allows you to engage with their comments and messages, making it a two-way relationship. Through forming a connection with your customers, they are more inclined to feel loyal towards you as a brand. If you’ve been tossing up whether or not to get your business into Social Media Advertising then I think this is your sign. Our team at DGreat Solutions specialise in Social Media Advertising and Social Media Management and can show you how to get started and seriously grow your audience today! Reach out to us here to find out how we can improve your marketing and build your brand and sales! 

Why practice Social Media management for your business?

Blog, Social Media

Social media management refers to the process of developing, creating, publishing and tracking content you post on social media platforms. It also entails customer interaction, engagement and should align with a brand’s established marketing initiatives. The purpose of social media management is to increase brand growth through reach and target a different demographic of potential customers. We all are well aware of the trend of social media marketing booming in recent years, therefore, if you’re not currently practising social media management to benefit your brand then you’re missing a golden opportunity for your business. Within a Social Media agency, experts develop management plans for clients, in order to boost brand awareness with specific demographics. Here are some beneficial reasons as to why practising social media management is a vital opportunity for your business and you should not hold off any longer: Low cost advertising Social Media is a cost efficient way to get your brand name out there! It costs nothing to create a business account, post creative content, market your brand and engage with your audience. These are all important factors in brand growth that take no money from the budget. Now, obviously there’s more to a social media strategy than jumping straight on and watching your following blow up. However, it is a free opportunity to generate revenue, build your brand reputation and increase traffic for your business. Even paid social media advertising costs nowhere near traditional marketing campaigns which cannot match the same reach that social media can. Which brings us to our next point… Reach Through social media marketing, you are reaching a bigger demographic of your target audience that you would not have been able to reach before. No matter who your target audience is, there is a social media platform that holds a huge portion of that demographic. With over half of the world’s population using social media platforms, Facebook has nearly 2 billion users DAILY and Instagram with 1 billion users per month, you are guaranteed to reach potential customers with the right social media strategy.  By making your online presence known on social media this gives your customers the opportunity to develop mental availability for your brand, meaning in a purchasing situation, buyers think of your brand first and recall it in their memory. Competition Competitors can always be one step ahead of your brand if they are utilising  their social media strategy and your business is not. Therefore, it’s important to make your presence known online. By engaging and being interactive with your customers on social media and consistent with your content, customers are more likely to find your brand trustworthy and potentially choose you over your competitors operating in the same category. Social media also gives you the opportunity to evaluate your competitors strategies and how they engage with their audience. By understanding their social media tactics, you can easily identify how you need to be utilising your social media management to compete with them for market share. Conclusion Are you looking to optimise your social media management? Needing help from a qualified social media agency? DGreat Solutions are equipped to develop optimal, social media management to build your online presence with consumers and ensure you are building your brands growth to compete with competitors. Save yourself time and stress on understanding the ins and outs to the success of social media and reach out to us, experts in the field of social media who can provide you with the best results when it comes to your social media marketing. Get in touch with us today for help and inquiries on your social media needs


Blog, Social Media

When diving into the realm of the online world, the two types of social media businesses can utilise are paid and organic. Both present a number of opportunities for businesses and learning how to utilise both will be highly beneficial for your business. Whilst paid and organic social media varies in a number of ways, what you decide to invest more time into will depend purely on your business’s overall goals. So what exactly will work best for your business? Continue reading to learn more. WHAT IS ORGANIC SOCIAL MEDIA? Organic social media is essentially free content which is shared across the social accounts of businesses. When you create content on your social pages, it’s often viewed by a number of your followers, the followers of those who reshare your content and those who may follow any of the hashtags you utilise in your posts. Organic social media is effective for businesses as they are able to develop a deeper, personified connection with their audience. When you gain exposure organically, your followers are more likely to trust your brand as you’re providing content for the sake of adding value to their lives not just trying to make a sale. WHAT IS PAID SOCIAL MEDIA? Paid social media is promoted with payment and helps businesses reach a wider audience beyond their existing audience. The content you create will become visible in the newsfeeds of those who fall within your targeted market. You can target those who may be interested in your products or services as well as other demographics including their location, age and those with similar interests to your business. Paid social media is an ideal way to obtain new followers within a shorter period of time. By using paid social media, you are guaranteed visibility depending on the amount of money you invest and which platform you advertise on. Paid social media is highly effective for those who want to obtain greater brand exposure, reaching as many people as possible. HOW TO INCORPORATE ORGANIC & PAID INTO YOUR STRATEGY With changes in algorithms being made more and more frequently, having your content reach a wider audience organically can be a difficult task.  This is where paid social media can be very effective and assist your organic posts in obtaining a greater visibility. By combining both paid and organic social media you can obtain a greater understanding of your audience, grow your online presence and have both forms of social media support one another to provide you with the best results possible. TRACK ORGANIC POSTS TO UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE By analysing the metrics from your organic posts, you can obtain a better understand as to who you should target in your paid advertising campaigns. You can also gain an insight into which forms of content will work well for a campaign and what your target market will prefer to see. If you notice you have a post which has received a significant amount of organic engagement, use the same post as an ad and you’ll be likely to receive even greater engagement and click through rates. GROW YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE When you utilise both paid and organic social media tactics, you’re maximise the potential to gain more followers. Those who see your ads are likely to search your profile on further social media accounts and become more familiar with your brand, ultimately boosting your overall online presence. Both paid and organic social media work exceptionally well in conjunction with each other. Whilst you can still maintain an online presence with just one, you simply won’t achieve as great results as when both are combined. By utilising organic social media, you can understand more about your audience and further enhance your paid social media strategy. If you want to implement the ideal social media strategy, speak to our expert team at DGreat Solutions today to find out how we can help.


Blog, SEO, Social Media

Created with the intent of simplifying the process of selling and purchasing products online, Facebook Shop is a common favourite amongst both business owners and consumers. With many businesses currently struggling and forced to close their physical shopfronts, taking their business online and utilising social media has been their saviour during this difficult period of time. Facebook provides small businesses in particular with a convenient method to do so. Even if you don’t have a website, you can still conveniently sell your products online to consumers via both Facebook and Instagram, as long as you have a Facebook Business Page. Facebook Shop has made the intention of buying and selling, quick and easy. So how can Facebook Shop benefit your business? IDEAL FOR IMPULSE SHOPPERS In the words of Facebook “users can enjoy the experience of shopping, not the chore of buying” and for impulse shoppers, Facebook Shop is the ideal tool to make purchases. Impulse shoppers see a product they find value in and want to make the purchase as quickly as possible, buying right in the moment. Facebook Shop caters perfectly well to this customer base and has proven to work effectively for many businesses. As Facebook Shop is also linked to Instagram, you can easily set up Instagram Shop in the same process. Share an image of a product, tag the items and your audience can easily tap the image to see details of the product. They can then click a direct link which will take them to the product either on your Facebook page or website to make the purchase. The process is simple, fast and makes shopping much more convenient. FREE TO SET UP AND EASY TO USE Another great benefit of Facebook shop is it’s free to set up and incredibly easy to use. There are simple instructions provided by Facebook which assist businesses in setting up their online shops. All you are required to do is choose the products you wish to sell and add them to your online catalogue. Page owners can then customise their shop in order to suit their brand, then link the shop to their eCommerce platform in order to make the purchase or they can purchase directly from Facebook. List all product features of your item and any other important information regarding your business. Facebook Shop replicates a real-life store where you can send messages to the shop and ask questions regarding specific products. Within a few clicks you can create your online store and begin sharing your products with the wider Facebook and Instagram community. SELL YOUR PRODUCTS ONLINE WITHOUT A WEBSITE One of the best features of Facebook Shop is business owners can sell their products online without having a website. If you’re relatively new to the online world and haven’t had the time or money to invest in a good website, you can opt to simply create a Facebook Business page and then utilise the shop feature.  This will work exceptionally well for businesses who have a significant amount of their target market on Facebook already. Once you have added your products online you can easily share them amongst your followers in order to promote them and attract potential buyers. There’s no denying that one of the keys to keeping your business afloat during these uncertain times is to establish an online presence. For newcomers to the online world, creating a Facebook Shop is a great place to start and easily sell to consumers. The introduction of Facebook Shop has assisted business owners across the globe in providing a seamless shopping experience for consumers. Not only does it assist shoppers with their shopping experience, but it also assists business owners in their ability to conveniently sell products to their target market. Facebook Shop is a cost effective, easy to use platform for business owners to sell to consumers with or without owning a website.  If you’re seeking social media assistance, contact the team at DGreat Solutions today to find out how we can help!

7 of the best photo/video editing apps to create content for your social media accounts

Blog, Social Media

Today business is highly dominated by social media, it’s one of the best ways for us to promote our business, considering 3.8 billion of us are active users. The quality of the content we share can really impact our level of success, which is why it’s so important to create fresh content which reflects your brand. Like all things in life, consistency is key. Businesses who post daily, perform much better than those who aren’t posting consistently throughout their social media accounts. Yet brainstorming content ideas, editing them post production and even sharing them, can deem to be a difficult task. Most business owners or marketers often have to delve into different professions, learning to be a photographer, video editor and graphic designer, on top of their day to day tasks. With the right apps, the process of creating content can be made much simpler, taking the pressure out of at least one area in your day to day tasks.  Keeping you all in mind, we’ve selected 7 of the best photo/video editing apps to easily create and edit content for your social media accounts. 1. CANVA Canva is a great tool for those with little or no graphic design experience to easily create infographics, logos or anything needed for your social pages. With over 50,000 templates, creating visually appealing content for your socials has never been easier! The great thing about Canva is it actually provides a great range of templates and tools for free. You also have the option to sign up to unlock more features and templates by paying a monthly subscription. 2. INSHOT Inshot is a great photo and video editing tool where you can create video content for your socials. You can format the content accordingly for each social media account and add your own music, effects and voice-overs. Inshot has a wide range of editing tools, to easily create content which looks professional. Inshot subscriptions are affordable at only $4.99 AUD per month. 3. ADOBE SPARK From the creative geniuses at Adobe, comes Adobe Spark. Comprised of 3 separate apps, Spark Page, Spark Video and Spark Post, Spark is one of the easiest of the Adobe programs to create professional content for your social accounts within seconds. With thousands of templates and simple to follow editing tools, Spark is your new best friend when it comes to creating and editing social content. What’s great about Spark is that you can download it on both your desktop your mobile, making it easy to use from the office or when you’re on the go. 4. SNAPSEED Snapseed is a brilliant photo editing tool which allows you to sharpen, crop, tune and straighten your images as well as wide range of other photo adjustment tools. With an impressive feature which allows you to pinpoint a certain area of your image and adjust just that area. This enables you to make ‘photoshop’ like adjustments easily without needing any previous design experience. Snapseed is free and available on both iOS and Android. 5. IMPRESSO Creating engaging content for your social media stories has never been easier with Impresso. Impresso is designed to assist users to easily create unique videos without needing any prior design knowledge. With over 100 templates, you can add both photos and videos, adding music and text, adding animations to grab the attention of your followers. Impresso offers a free 7 day trial and subscriptions are just $9.99 AUD per month. 6. FACETUNE Facetune is recognised globally for being one of the best photo editing apps to correct imperfections or enhance your facial features. A great app for makeup artists, influencers or anyone needing to make a few adjustments to their professional headshots. Facetune is so simple to use yet you can make professional level adjustments to your selfies within seconds! 7. SPLICE Invented with GoPro users in mind, Splice assists its users to turn content shot via your mobiles, GoPro or any recording device, and transform it into a professionally appealing piece of content. Add music, text overlay, filters and much more on both your mobile device or desktop. Splice provides a free 7 day trial, with a weekly subscription fee of $4.49 AUD. Having well-planned content and a visually appealing feed can really make a huge impact in the success of your business. Thankfully with our smartphones we can create all the content for our business, conveniently. We are able to shoot photo and video content, edit post production and share to all accounts at the touch of a button. Regularly posting on various social platforms is a job in itself, but if you have the right apps, you can easily create great content and fast.