Blog, Social Media

One of the most effective methods of Social Media marketing local businesses can utilise is Facebook ads. With its exceptional marketing capabilities, Facebook ads are the ideal way for local businesses to attract those within the community to support your business. Local businesses are often more conscious about the amount of money they invest into advertising and want to select the best method possible which provides the best return on investment. Facebook marketing has the ability to assist local businesses to promote their content and create a strong sense of brand awareness, driving lead generation. Are you a local business owner and want to learn how Facebook ads can benefit you? Continue reading to find out more. FACEBOOK ADS ARE MORE COST EFFECTIVE Implementing a Facebook ad strategy is one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising you can utilise as a local business. Having the ability to control your daily spend limit means you can closely monitor your spending and determine what best works for your business. This means businesses are able to try Facebook ads without outlaying a significant amount of money and learn about how to best target their desired audience. For new business owners, this is a great way to have your brand exposed to locals and increase your customer or client base. If you only have a small budget to spend on advertising, Facebook ads are the way to go and will provide you with the greatest results. ACCESS TO LOCATION TARGETING OPTIONS One of the greatest advantages of Facebook ads are its targeting options. As a local business, this is exactly what you need to reach your defined target audience and showcase your products or services.  You can effectively reach those within a specific radius to your shopfront including your country, state, city and even your postcode with further defined categories such as their gender, age, occupation, income and more.  By using this feature effectively, you can ensure your advertising budget is spent on attracting those who are actually interested in your products or services  BUILD TRUST WITHIN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY By using Facebook ads, you can promote your brand and gain the trust of those within your local community. The more frequently people are exposed to your ads, the more they will become familiar with who you are and the services or products your business provides. When creating your Facebook ads, it’s important to demonstrate your brands visions and values so your community understands they can trust you to provide them with the best service. Consumers are more inclined now than ever to support local businesses, use this to your advantage to provide them with an insight as to why they should choose you. EDUCATE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE Finally, another benefit of Facebook ads for local businesses is you have access to a platform where you can educate your target audience. All businesses want to make sales, we need to in order to continue operating however in order to make those sales it’s important to educate your audience about your business. Facebook provides you with the option to share educational videos to demonstrate what your products or services are and how they can add value to the lives of your target audience. Think about what people need within your local community and how your business can assist, this will put you ahead of your competitors and show your target audience you aren’t just trying to sell. Local businesses are always on the lookout for the best ways to attract more clients or customers. As social media has progressed to be one of the most popular forms of marketing, we all spend so much time using it, it makes sense to promote your brand across the various platforms. For local businesses, in particular, Facebook ads are the most convenient and cost-effective ways to promote your business. 


Blog, Social Media

As much as we all love to utilise free advertising on social media, it can be challenging to obtain visibility. Your competition is much greater with organic advertising and essentially you need to work much harder to have your posts seen. Facebook ads are an ideal way to learn more about your target market and attract more leads to your business page. Businesses thrive from using Facebook due to its exceptional reach and targeting capabilities. We list below 5 ways of generating more leads using Facebook advertising. Targeted ads Facebook provides users with an extraordinary level of targeted marketing. Facebook Ads Manager enables businesses to create ad campaigns which target a variety of audiences based upon their marketing objectives. With the ability to target users based upon demographics such as their location, career, income, gender, age, and interests.  This assists businesses to target a variety of audiences, test them, measure the results and determine which audience group generates the most leads. You also have the option to create a reach campaign, where you have the ability to target the maximum amount of people possible. Free promotions We all love receiving things for free, creating an ad which promotes a free item or service is an effective way to capture Facebook user’s attention and obtain more leads.  When deciding what to offer your prospects for free, think about what your target audience would find useful. Think outside the box and be unique with your free promotion. Whether it be an e-book, consultation or free product to try, you want to use the free offer as an introduction to your products or services and prompt them to seek your assistance further. The aim is to demonstrate your expertise in your industry and how you differ from your competitors. Include a CTA (call to action) in your free promotion which prompts users to include their contact details. This will allow you to add them to your client database or email marketing platform to follow up with them in future. Video ads Facebook videos are highly effective, especially when used in ad campaigns. Video ads provide businesses with the opportunity to create informative and engaging content which encourages users to use your services or buy your products. It’s important to create high quality videos, including a CTA such as ‘call us today’ or ‘book a free consultation’. Mobile friendly videos generate higher engagement, so always remember to ensure your videos are optimised for mobile. Visual content is crucial when creating Facebook ads, 85% of videos watched by users, are viewed without sound.  Consider having subtitles throughout your video ads to cater to this. Also keep your videos short and sweet, video ads under 60 seconds are ideal. Anything longer than this and it becomes harder to keep the attention of your viewers. SMS & Messenger Another tip for generating more leads is by incorporating SMS and Facebook Messenger into your ad strategy. Facebook provides businesses with the ability to have an auto responder. This improves your response rates overall and assists businesses to convert leads more frequently. Messenger and SMS have significantly high open rates as opposed to email. Messenger has 70% open rates and SMS even higher with 98%. You have a greater chance of conveying your indented message by utilising this technique. Once you have obtained the contact details of your prospects via your ads, you can use these details to alert users of special promotions or important updates via SMS and Messenger. Advertise on Instagram In case you are unaware, Facebook actually owns Instagram. This means you have the ability to use the same ads created in Facebook ads manager, to target those who fall within your target audience on Instagram. This provides you with another window of opportunity to target those who may be interested in your products or services who actually may not use Facebook, however, use Instagram. Instagram is a highly effective platform for social media marketing and one you should incorporate into your ads strategy in order to obtain more leads. Facebook advertising is a powerful way for businesses to promote their products or services and gain a significant amount of leads. Facebook’s targeting capabilities provide business owners with the potential to reach a significant number of prospects who would actually be interested in their business. Facebook has the highest number of active monthly users, compared with other social media platforms. This is why DGreat Solution recommends Facebook for businesses and marketers to invest in advertising campaigns.

Facebook ads: What are they and how they can help your business grow

Blog, Social Media

If you’ve never considering investing in Facebook advertising, there’s no better time than now to do your research and potentially invest some of your marketing budget towards them.  At a glance, Facebook ads can seem daunting but the truth is, the process is really quite simple and narrowed down, to better enhance your marketing strategy. As over 40% of the global population is on social media, it makes sense for your business to be utilising a well-planned marketing strategy. With Facebook ads you can reach a widespread audience with the potential to reach 1.9 billion people. So, what exactly are Facebook ads and how can they help your business reach its marketing potential. WHAT ARE FACEBOOK ADS? We’ve all seen them, those ads that pop up in your news feed and make you think someone is tracking your movements. You’ve visited a website, almost bought a pair of shoes and decided against it, then all of a sudden when you next check Facebook, an ad with those exact shoes appears. Despite what some conspiracy theorists believe, no one is necessarily tracking you, but some websites do track user activity on their website, this information is shared with Facebook which creates various demographics for marketing. Facebook ads are an absolute game changer in the marketing world. Facebook ads are a way for businesses to easily target their desired audience and really narrow down their marketing strategy.  In the digital marketing world, Facebook ads are the best form of advertising a business can invest in. TARGET YOUR EXACT AUDIENCE One of the greatest features of Facebook ads, is the targeting opportunities. Businesses are able to narrow down their audience based on a number of areas such as locations, interests, demographics, connections, languages etc. No other social media platform offers a targeted audience feature quite like Facebook. You can also create lookalike audiences to replicate an audience you have already targeted.  You can even re-target those who have interacted with your website before, by installing a Facebook pixel to your website. This tracks user activity on your website and enables Facebook to target those who were close to purchasing or making an inquiry. CREATE ADS BASED ON YOUR MARKETING OBJECTIVE Another impressive feature in the Facebook ads manager is the ability to create ads based around your individual marketing objective, including your budget. Whether you aim to create brand awareness, increase conversions, website clicks or whatever your marketing objective, Facebook can refine your ad to suit your needs.  This benefits businesses greatly as they are able to get the results where they need them most, making the most of their time and money. No matter what your marketing budget is, you can spend as little as $5 and still reach up to 1000 people.  With the correct strategy, your business can maximise their ROI, without excessive spending. TRACK YOUR RESULTS Facebook provides its users with great analytics reporting tool where you can track areas such as impressions, clicks and conversions. You are able to do this by installing the Facebook pixel into your website, which then tracks your visitors and their activity on your website. This helps you to better target your marketing strategy and determine which areas of your website need improving. You can also test various types of ads, targeting different audience groups to determine which ads work better and provide better ROI for your business. Having these tools accessible is highly beneficial for business owners when planning future social media strategies. FACEBOOK ADS CAN INCREASE YOUR SEO Did you know that by having a strong social media presence you can improve your search engine rankings? Facebook ads can drive traffic to your website and search engines will see your frequent activity on the site, providing you with a higher ranking. You can also create a call to action on your Facebook ad which directs your audience right to your site. This is why it’s important to create useful or catchy content which will persuade your audience to visit your page. In an era highly dominated by social media and social media management, it’s crucial for businesses to utilise advertising on these sites. With 80% of internet users on Facebook, investing in ads on the social platform bring forth a number of benefits for your business. If you’re weary about trying Facebook ads, invest a small amount of money and test it. We guarantee you’ll be impressed with the results and won’t look back!