The level of competition in web engine marketing is very high and every business owner wants to be present on the top three position of any search engine. This top three positions are highly competitive and only those with specialist skills can practically get a web page there and sustain it. From the coding of your website down to the last keyword need to be very well planned and thought out. As a business owner, you are going to need more than just luck to get you on top of those highly competitive keywords. In reality, to get your website ranking where you can acquire traffic and drive sales, you most definitely need to hire an SEO specialist services. Hiring a specialist will help guide you from start to where you desire to be on the vastness of the web. Also, hiring an expert will mean that you benefit from their wealth of experience, and you will be confidence that your web pages will get a high end treatment. The only reason why most business owners don’t hire a search engine optimisation specialist to help improve the ranking of their website is due to their perceived pricing on packages. On the contrary, organic ranking process should not be too expensive for business owners to afford.
Hiring an SEO specialist
An experience specialist is one that is very well informed about the volatility of Google ranking factors. Such person must be up to date on changes made by Google team which occurs almost every month. Some algorithm changes are major and they have the potential of impacting your organic ranking negatively if you have been doing something wrong in the past. While some algorithmic changes are minor and you can easily weather them by making changes to your internal link structures and anchor texts. The bottom line is, your specialist must be up to speed and capable of conducting a thorough research on your visitors. From analyzing where your most traffic originated from and the keyword that drove them to your website and the page they landed on, your search engine optimiser must be able to make a good use of these data. Some specialists go to the extreme of know how long they spend on your web page as bounce rate is a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. If your bounce rate is high, your website may be sending a wrong signal to Google. Telling bot that your web pages are not relevant and readers don’t find them interesting and helpful enough for them to spend time on it. Based on all the vital information and more, your experts would build a coherent strategy on what would work and what wouldn’t, simply to enhance your online presence.
Hiring a specialist help you save money on the long run. Using SEO tools such as ahrefs can help you determine how much your SEO specialist is saving you every month. You can then compare it with what you are paying out on the same and see what your profit look like. The image below shows the detail profile of an anonymous website. As you can see, the traffic value on the far right depict how much the organic traffic being generated by the website would have cost if they were running a Pay Per Click advertising campaign per month. Imagine this was your business website bringing in 2.5k organic traffic per month, saving you $14,000 in advertising per month, i doubt you will be paying your specialist $7000 per month. So you could see how much money your expert will be saving you every month.
Strong organic visibility

One of the best ways to build a strong brand online is via organic ranking. As your online visibility begin to grow, and you begin to attract more organic keywords and overall visibility. Your business begin to grow and as time passes, your old customers beginning to come back and new customers begin to tell prospective clients to search you out. When prospective clients begin searching you out online, they type in your branded keyword as they are being referred by either happy existing customers or social media. So the amount of people typing in
your branded name grow, Google begins to value your website the more, making it even more relevant for those typing related keywords. This in turn help build a strong organic brand name for your business. Before you know it, your competitors are targeting your brand name in their Google Adwords campaign.
Stay away from optimizers on freelancing websites
Over the years in business and life in general, i have come to realise that people who try to cut corners always end up behind the line. There is nothing more rewarding that working hard and working smart. Putting your work into your business give you the confidence that you have worked hard for your achievement and the feeling can be sometimes incredibly joyous. Most business owners who try to cut corners by hiring a cheap quick ranking self proclaim SEO specialist from freelancer website end up wasting their time and money. These types of self proclaim web optimiser would simply run a black hat SEO campaign and dodgy backlink campaign for your website. Such practices are being heavily penalized by Google, costing you thousands of dollars getting your ranking back or starting a over again. No matter what you do, make sure you get the best advice from a reputable source, read up on Google guidelines yourself. At the end of the day, no-one would care more about your business than yourself.